Lie back and don’t breathe….

It took the two weeks until I found out just how serious this was. I was thankful for a cancellation appointment the same week of my diagnosis for the MRI. Thankfully, our love of donuts has taken over NHS equipment and this looped contraption was my resting place for all of 30 minutes. Feet and head poking out, I listened to Katy Perry on Now 30 through the headphones. My brother asked me afterwards – what was it like…..

“It felt like a rave scene in a jungle where aboriginal and techno fiends decided to use recycled goods to create drum’n’bass, happy hardcore and techno jive beats all with the Now 30 playing in the background.”

The CT scan on the other hand, which happened after that weekend, was slightly more uncomfortable. “Drink this full jug of water over the next hour and don’t pee after your third cup.” Holy crap, I could hardly walk I needed to pee so bad. “Now remove your bra and lie down here and don’t breathe (when we tell you). We will inject this solution into you which will make you feel like you have just wet yourself.” At least that only lasted 15 minutes. I must have peed three times before I left the hospital. Then back a week later and bam! – Stage 2b Adenocarcinoma (the 10-15% of cervical cancers) With pelvic lymph nodes infected and another test need to check the abdomen lymph nodes. The cancer tumour is 5.5cm. “Yes, that pretty big.” 5.5cm is like….IMG_8482 Business cards in width, a Rubix cube, an average chicken egg.

The NHS online doctor says:

How common is cervical cancer – Overall, about 2 out of every 100 cancers diagnosed in women (2%) are cervical cancers. But it is the most common cancer in women under 35 yrs old. Around 3,100 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer each year in the UK.

And my cancer ribbon colour is Teal & White. The cancer is so rare the ribbon has two colours. I’ve never enjoyed Teal as a colour. And never enjoyed being any type of patient….so I am considering becoming a Cancer Diva instead!

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